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Hi, I'm Pasindu Yapa

Web Developer

Welcome to My Web Portfolio!

About Me

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I'm Pasindu Yapa and I am

A person who has a keen interest in the design layout. I think presenting an attractive design is a matter of concern in developing a branding of products. To create a good design, I focus on proper composition and visual decoration details to make it more professional. For the time being, I’m developing the skill for acquiring the UI/UX design for dynamic application and web development.

My Services

Web Design

Your Next Web Developer, who is working in Shopify Dropshipping Stores, High Converting Ecommerce stores, Product Page also having Custom code, liquid template design.

User Secret

I ensure that, there is no sensitive data included in the source code and are stored outside the project folder. And all the data which is stored by User Secrets is not encrypted.

Apps Design

I encompass both the user interface(UI) & user experience(UX). The overall style of the app, including things like the color scheme, font selection, and the types of buttons and widgets which will use.


Darmapala Vidyalaya


Grade 1 - Grade 8

DVP Logo image

Ananda College - Colombo


Grade 8 - Grade 13 and Finished both O/L & A/L

Ananda Logo image

Institute Of Software Engineering


BSC (Hons) in Computer Science

IJSE Logo image

Matrix Institute


BSC (Hons) in Chartered in IT

Matrix Logo image




Assignment 1

Designing part of this portfolio website.Create the requirement Document, Site map, Wireframe, Mockup Design

Assignment 2

Build the structure of this portfolio website using html.

Assignment 3

The assignment that is based on css styling and positioning.There are 6 cases in this assignment.

Assignment 5

Styles this portfolio website using css.

Assignment 6

This POS solution combines user-friendly interfaces with powerful backend capabilities, providing a seamless and efficient sales process.

Assignment 7

This POS solution combines user-friendly interfaces with powerful backend capabilities, providing a seamless and efficient sales process.

Assignment 8

The assignment that is based on js animation.There are 2 cases in this assignment.

Assignment 9

The assignment that based on js and Knight rider theme.

Assignment 10

The assignment that based on js calculator.

Assignment 11

The assignment that based on js assignment on POS system.

Assignment 12

The assignment that based on js assignment on POS system


PRF Program

Developed a console-based Java application for a Programming Fundamentals coursework.

Connect Four Game

The Connect Four game developed with JavaFX incorporates an AI player, offering an engaging and challenging single-player experience.

Railway Management System

Created a JavaFx, CSS, and Maven-based standalone application as the final project for the Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering at the Java and Software Engineering Institute.

Chat Application

Create a Java Socket Chat Application.

Library Management System

Created a Hibernate-based JavaFX standalone application for library management.

Rapid Race

Created a Java Application with Use of JavaFX and Maven. A Simple Pane usage was used in this application.

Contact Me

Get in Touch

Feel free to get in touch with me. I am always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be a part of your visions. Email me with any questions or inquiries. I'll happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you.

 25/B, Summit Flats, Keppetipola Road, Jawatte, Colombo 05

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